Card Redirection
Revision History
First Release
Additions after feedback
Contacless Priority Bank
1. Description
The Automatic Bank Routing feature is executed by the Card Manager application when a card is inserted into the terminal. It operates based on predefined workflow rules that take into account the requirements of the bank, Arçelik, and the business.
2. Operating Principle and Software Flow
When a transaction reaches the credit card payment stage, the Card Manager application is activated and follows the process outlined below:
It accepts input via chip, magnetic stripe, or manual entry.
It sequentially calls the libraries of active banks.
It provides the PAN (Primary Account Number) information to the libraries and receives information regarding the ownership of the card.
The response received contains the following status types:
ISSUER: The card belongs to the bank.
BRAND: The card does not belong to the bank but is part of the same loyalty group.
NOT ONUS: The card does not belong to the bank and is not part of the same loyalty group.
NONE: The card is not supported.
If an ISSUER bank is found, it is automatically selected.
If no ISSUER bank is found, the system searches for a BRAND bank. If a single BRAND bank exists, it is automatically selected. If multiple BRAND banks exist, they are listed for selection.
If neither an ISSUER nor a BRAND bank is found and a preferred bank has not been selected, all active banks except NONE banks are listed. If a preferred bank has been selected and it is not NONE, it is automatically selected. If the preferred bank is NONE, all active banks except NONE banks are listed.
NOTE: Banks whose libraries are not installed on the device are considered NOT ONUS. As stated above, NOT ONUS banks can only be selected when all active banks except NONE banks are listed. Automatic routing will not apply to these banks.
The algorithm flowchart of the Card Manager is shown below.
3. Features
3.1 Contact Priority (Default) Bank
If the user selects Contact Priority Bank via User Settings → Common POS Menu → Contact Priority Bank, then whenever a transaction is initiated with a card that does not belong to an ISSUER or BRAND bank, the system automatically selects the Contact Priority Bank. If the Contact Priority Bank is in a NONE state for that card, all active banks except NONE banks are listed. If the card belongs to multiple active BRAND banks and one of them is the Contact Priority Bank, then that bank is selected directly.
3.2 Contactless Priority (Default) Bank
The Contactless Priority Bank must be explicitly selected. To ensure this, the system assigns the first activated contactless-enabled bank as the Contactless Priority Bank. The user can change this setting via User Settings → Common POS Menu → Contactless Priority Bank. If a transaction is initiated with a card that does not belong to an ISSUER or BRAND bank, the system automatically selects the Contactless Priority Bank. If the card belongs to multiple active BRAND banks and one of them is the Contactless Priority Bank, then that bank is selected directly.
3.3 Cancelling Card Routing and Returning to Menu
In any menu where card entry is made (CHIP card insertion, MSR swipe, or PAN entry), the user can press the cancel button to manually select a bank from the menu.
3.4 Commitment
A bank designated under this feature is set as the Priority Bank and cannot be changed by the business location. For this setup to be implemented, IT integration between Arçelik and the bank must be completed.
4. System Requirements
The following requirements must be met for the Automatic Bank Routing feature to function properly:
Revision of Bank Applications Bank applications must be updated to prevent requiring a second card entry for magnetic stripe or manually entered transactions. This data is sent to the bank application via the sales protocol.
Library for Verifying Card Ownership A library must be available within the bank application to verify if the card belongs to that bank.
Card Manager Software Component This component is responsible for receiving card input, calling the appropriate libraries, processing their responses, and either automatically selecting a bank or listing active banks for selection.
5. Compatibility with Legacy Bank Software
Compatibility with legacy bank software can be achieved under the following conditions:
In magnetic stripe transactions, card reading is performed by both the ECR and the bank application, resulting in duplicate readings. The same applies to manual entry transactions.
Protocol compatibility is required. Since card data is appended to the end of the protocol data, older versions may encounter memory issues or data parsing errors.
Legacy bank applications will be processed as "NOT ONUS" by default.
For contactless transactions, the appropriate function must be added to the bank library as described in the Bank App Protocol document.
6. Known Issues
After this feature is installed on terminals, automatic routing may fail once during the device's lifetime.
This occurs because the BIN table required by the library is copied to the relevant directory only when the application runs for the first time. If the application has never been opened, the corresponding bank library will not be able to perform correct routing.
Last updated