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Purpose and Responsibility

Token financial technologies create software platforms to support its users with financial services.

The token team enriches the platform with software development solution partners. So, the Token team always feels responsible for achieving the best support for their solution partners.

The Token Team uses community resources and feels responsible for supporting software and design development communities.


POS Platform and TokenOS

The Token Software team has developed its own TokenOS OS, which runs over the best-class hardware. TokenOS is the customized and enriched version of Android OS. It is responsible for security, operational services, EMV card reading, and fiscal compliance and provides SDK and libraries for the developers. The developers can develop payment applications using Kotlin, the Java programming language, with the following TokenOS development materials.

Token X platform

Token X platform supports its users (merchants) in different business segments and sale channels by providing modular service packages.

Here are some merchant usage examples of the Token X platform: The merchant has its own order and sale automation system and needs to take payment and create invoices from its users in its physical stores. In this case, the Token X platform provides integration service to the merchant's developers to take payment and create invoices with the Token POS platform.

The merchants need a system to sell their products from their physical stores, take payments, create invoices, and take sales reports; the Token X Automation service handles all Token POS operations and serves the reports from the merchant admin panel. The Token X platform offers E-commerce and mobile services if the merchant wants the same experience in its other sale channels.

The platform provides APIs and integration methods to the developers to either create a private app for their merchants or create a public solution for Tokens to share with its merchant portfolio.

Start your journey by selecting your purpose.

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